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Avoid home-office cabin fever: 5 tips from our 4Soft colleagues

In times of Covid-19, one topic in particular is probably more present than ever: home office. One man’s joy is another man’s sorrow. But after several weeks of working from home, one or the other is already on the verge of tantrum - home office cabin fever. That’s why today our employees have five special tips to prevent cabin fever and get through the day in remote mode relaxed and motivated.

Homemade ice cream to combat home-office cabin fever

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1. make your own ice cream

Constanze Temmler, software developer at 4Soft:

“My tip against storage fever in times of permanent home work is: make your own ice cream. It’s easy and doesn’t require an ice cream machine. Besides, you have to stir the ice cream once an hour. This reminds you to get up and take a short break. And the best thing about it: at the end of the day you start well-deserved with a portion of homemade ice cream in the evening. That lifts your spirits and increases your motivation. Just give it a try.”

2nd Haxball - virtual foosball.

Michael Kraus, software developer at 4Soft:

“In the office, a round of foosball has almost something ritualistic about it. It’s just part of it. Since we all only work in remote mode at home, the foosball game after lunch has also fallen away. But we have found a remedy for this: Haxball - the virtual foosball game. If not real, then digital. So we simply moved our midday foosball game to the Internet. It’s fun in between, helps to switch off for a while and you can talk to your colleagues again. So if camp fever comes up, just round up your colleagues for a game of Haxball. That helps.”

3. Sports during lunch break

Martin Obermeier, software developer at 4Soft:

“Since working from home, after all, it’s not just social contacts that are restricted, but also exercise. The commute to work is eliminated, you hardly move in everyday life and the gym is also closed. Fresh air is scarce. This can spoil your mood and go to your head. That’s why my tip is: simply use your lunch break for a short jog. It gets your circulation going, is good for your body and soul, and helps you concentrate better afterwards. In addition, going outside makes you feel more like a part of society again. Unlike when you’re permanently squatting in front of the computer like Gollum over his ring 😉”

Running against home-office-camp-fever

©ijeab by freepik

4. Fish TV - for the relaxation in between

Anna Rist, Marketing Manager at 4Soft:

“When I’m feeling the onset of cabin fever and the mood turns, the first thing I do is watch a round of fish TV. The Monterey Bay Aquarium offers live cams of the different fish tanks. Whether colorful fish, jellyfish, sharks or sea otters - everything is offered. After all, spending a few minutes watching the different aquarium inhabitants lifts your spirits and increases your sense of well-being. It has even been scientifically proven that watching fish calms you down and helps against stress. So the next time you have cabin fever, turn on the aquarium webcam and take a deep breath. Because a little fish break gets your head going and afterwards you’re also immediately more motivated and focused on the job.”

Fish TV to combat home-office cabin fever

©Monterey Bay Aquarium

5. Virtual after-work beer.

Dennis Bock, software developer at 4Soft:

“One of the things you miss most during this time is social contact, including with your colleagues. No “good morning,” no quick chat at the coffee machine, and no after-work beer with colleagues. But necessity is the mother of invention. So we moved our after-work beer with colleagues to the virtual world. The beer tastes at least as good this way, and it brings variety at the end of the workday. It definitely keeps the cabin fever at bay.”

Picture Credits Title: © Robert Kneschke, Adobe Stock
Anna Rist

Anna Rist

Marketing Manager

+49 89 5307 44-539

We hope you can avoid home office cabin fever thanks to our tips. Do you have any other ideas? If so, I look forward to hearing from you. Stay healthy!